Art Challenges

Art Challenges

Explore your style

A great way to try new methods, styles and techniques.

Your concepts

Bring your own concepts to life, with no strict rules or guidelines.

Appeal to new clients

By exploring your style you can show your potential clients how versatile you are.

Previous Challenge

Expanding The Brand

Current Challenge:
Expanding the Brand

Reserve your spot before July 3rd at midnight
Art deadline: August 31st

We’d like to invite you to “expand the brand” – this challenge requires you to produce one (or more if you have time) posters for a brand. This can be any brand you like, from Nike to Ben & Jerry’s. There really is no limit on what you can choose for this.

There is no limit to the number of artists who can submit to this challenge, however, you only have until July 3rd at midnight to reserve a spot via our form below.

art challenge

Why have we chosen this art challenge?

It’s very easy for artists to work within pop culture due to the magnitude of reference material and already existing concepts, this challenge aims to force artists to think out of the box and produce eye-catching, scroll-stopping artwork for their favourite brands.

I’m not sure what brand to choose.

Not sure what brand to choose? Try to think of a brand or company that aligns with your ethical values, maybe you want to promote a vegan food company or an ethical music festival (yes a festival is a brand) 😉

When is the deadline?

Officially our deadline is August 31st, giving you over 2 months to work on this project. If you can’t meet that deadline, we can be a little flexible.

Does the poster have to be an illustration?

Absolutely not, if you want to produce a poster using Cinema 4D, or even image cut-outs and mixed media, that’s totally fine!

What if someone else chooses my brand?

No problem, we’re more than happy to have multiple artists create posters for the same brand.

What happens with the art once we’ve created it?

We will be creating a dedicated page on this website with all of the submissions. Due to the high volume of art submitted, only a selection of submissions will be shared via our social media. Remember, this challenge isn’t for likes, it’s a personal art challenge to get you flexing your skills.

I want to take part but don’t want my art shared, is that ok?

No problem, if you’d prefer to do this challenge for yourself as a personal exploration, just let us know. We can keep your poster private and offer private feedback if you prefer.

Reserve your spot

This form has disappeared.

What happens next?

All of the artists will be contacted by or on July 4th. We’ll tell you how to share your final poster with us.

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